Il-Kor Nativitas, b’kollaborazzjoni mas-Soċjeta’ Filarmonika Victory, qiegħed uffiċjalment iħabbar li ser ikun qed itella’ l-EWWEL EDIZZJONI tal-Kunċert b’mużika marbuta ma’ Żmien il-Milied. Il-Kunċert bl-isem ‘THE GLORIES OF CHRISTMAS’ ser jinżamm nhar il-Ħadd 20 ta’ Diċembru 2009 fis-6.30pm fis-Sala “Dun Alwiġ Camilleri” fil-Każin tal-Banda Victory (Triq Marija Bambina – Xagħra Għawdex).
F’dan il-Kunċert, ser jiġu esegwiti għanjiet tradizzjonali u popolari tal-Milied. Ser jieħu sehem ukoll l-organista Ivan Attard (l-Assistent Direttur tal-Kor) li ser jakkumpanja lill-Kor Nativitas fil-maġġor parti ta’ l-innijiet u anke ser jinterpreta biċċiet mużikali f’parti ta’ solista. Id-direzzjoni mużikali ser tkun f’idejn is-Sinjura Silvana Agius. Il-preżentatur tal-Kunċert ser ikun is-Sur Tony Grech.
Id-dħul għal dan l-avveniment mużikali huwa b’xejn. Il-pubbliku li ser jattendi huwa mitlub li jkun sab postu fis-sala fis-6.15pm. Wara li jintemm il-Kunċert, isir riċeviment għal dawk kollha preżenti fil-foyer tal-Każin fejn kulħadd ikollu l-opportunita’ jiltaqa’ mal-koristi u flimkien naqsmu l-awguri għal dawn il-festi. Għal aktar informazzjoni, wieħed jista’ jikkuntattja lis-Sinjura Silvana Agius (99420879) jew inkella javvicina lil xi membru tal-Kumitat fuq in-numru 21 556835.
F’dan il-Kunċert, ser jiġu esegwiti għanjiet tradizzjonali u popolari tal-Milied. Ser jieħu sehem ukoll l-organista Ivan Attard (l-Assistent Direttur tal-Kor) li ser jakkumpanja lill-Kor Nativitas fil-maġġor parti ta’ l-innijiet u anke ser jinterpreta biċċiet mużikali f’parti ta’ solista. Id-direzzjoni mużikali ser tkun f’idejn is-Sinjura Silvana Agius. Il-preżentatur tal-Kunċert ser ikun is-Sur Tony Grech.
Id-dħul għal dan l-avveniment mużikali huwa b’xejn. Il-pubbliku li ser jattendi huwa mitlub li jkun sab postu fis-sala fis-6.15pm. Wara li jintemm il-Kunċert, isir riċeviment għal dawk kollha preżenti fil-foyer tal-Każin fejn kulħadd ikollu l-opportunita’ jiltaqa’ mal-koristi u flimkien naqsmu l-awguri għal dawn il-festi. Għal aktar informazzjoni, wieħed jista’ jikkuntattja lis-Sinjura Silvana Agius (99420879) jew inkella javvicina lil xi membru tal-Kumitat fuq in-numru 21 556835.
The Nativitas Choir, in collaboration with the Victory Philharmonic Society of Xaghra Gozo, officially announces that it will be holding the FIRST EDITION of the Christmas Concert entitled ‘THE GLORIES OF CHRISTMAS’. This musical concert will take place on Sunday 20th December 2009 at the ‘Dun Alwiġ Camilleri’ Hall in the Victory Band Club and begins at 6.30pm.
During this concert, the choir performs a selection of popular and traditional Christmas carols. Organist Ivan Attard, at present the choir’s Assistant Director, accompanies the choir in the majority of the pieces performed and interprets some solo pieces on the piano/organ. The musical direction will be left in the hands of Mrs. Silvana Agius and the compère for the event will be Mr. Tony Grech.
Entrance for this concert is free. The audience attending for this event is kindly requested to be seated by 6.15pm. After the concert, a reception will be held for those attending at the club’s foyer. During this reception, one can meet the choristers and exchange festive greetings. For further information, please call Mrs. Silvana Agius (99420879) or one of the members of the Central Committee of the Victory Philharmonic Society on 21 556835.
During this concert, the choir performs a selection of popular and traditional Christmas carols. Organist Ivan Attard, at present the choir’s Assistant Director, accompanies the choir in the majority of the pieces performed and interprets some solo pieces on the piano/organ. The musical direction will be left in the hands of Mrs. Silvana Agius and the compère for the event will be Mr. Tony Grech.
Entrance for this concert is free. The audience attending for this event is kindly requested to be seated by 6.15pm. After the concert, a reception will be held for those attending at the club’s foyer. During this reception, one can meet the choristers and exchange festive greetings. For further information, please call Mrs. Silvana Agius (99420879) or one of the members of the Central Committee of the Victory Philharmonic Society on 21 556835.
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